Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Shall Come

I have been thinking for some time that I will be creating several new blogs that are a bit more, shall we say, focused. This blog has been entirely random in content, and I have decided to change that. So, you who follow my blog or who are reading this, I ask for your feedback on my brainstorming sessions.

Here are the ideas I think I could do:

bloGrapher (A blog dedicated to showing graphs in all new ways and creating silly ones)

PhotoCraze (A blog in which I would take a picture a week of something random and challenge viewers to find their own crazy version of that object/noun thing. So, if I took a picture of the number 4 one week, I would hope people would search for "4"s in their lives and take crazy or artistic photos and post it on the blog)

Real Boaters Are their Own Motors (A blog for whitewater river rafting)

Yocko's Modern Life (A blog critiquing the Information Age)

Let's (A blog about social mass movements)

Do what you like; like what you do (I would keep this blog as a means to post the random-ness that I find that I usually email out to random people. Think of it as a potpourri of awesomeness)

Please let me know if you like the sounds of any of these in particular, if you have any ideas for improvement, or if you keep thinking you wish there was a blog about ____ and want me to write about it!



  1. I like this blog with all the randomness. It fits your personality! So maybe just more posts right here?

  2. hmm.. I had a post.. but I must have missed a step.. here it is again!!

    I think you should keep this one as is.. but just make a side one or two.. I really like the picture one and the idea of Yocko's Modern Life :)I love hearing your opinions and def like seeing all your photos. :) miss ya chica
