Friday, May 22, 2009

I was cleaning and found treasures

When I am bored in class, I write things. This is one such thing I wrote ages ago as a 9th grader in Vermillion High School Algebra 2 class with Mrs Paulson. I drew a pretty balloon next to it.

A four-year-old child skips through the park
He has all the time in the world.
The world is his playground.
First the swings, then ice cream, lastly a bright balloon
Given away to someone he thinks needs a smile.

A fourteen-year-old boy strolls through the park
Oblivious to the world's time.
The world is his enemy.
First the bench, then a hotdog, lastly a smirk
At a silly kid's excitement at a bright balloon.

A 34 year old man hurries through the park
He tries to defy the world and its time
The world is his office.
First a business call, then coffee on the go, then back to heated meetings.
Then he pauses and catches a memory
As a four-year-old child gives him a bright balloon.

(picture from google image)

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